Jonathan Tang

Assistant Vice President at Citi.

Graduated with a master's degree in Computational Finance at University College London (UCL) and a bachelor's degree in Computer Science at Goldsmiths, University of London.

Proficient programmer in Python, C++, Java, Matlab, SQL/NoSQL, JavaScript, and HTML/CSS.

I previously interned at IntelliBonds, Deutsche Bank, and GetRentr (now Kamma).

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Research interests in quantitative/computational finance, deep learning, and data science.

dslop Deep Sequential Learning for Option Pricing
Jonathan K.Y. Tang, Nikolay Nikolaev

Investigation into deep learning models and state-space estimation algorithms for pricing of European equity call option prices.

ar Augmented Reality Navigation System for Commercial Spaces
Arif Kharoti, Nicholas Orford-Williams, Hardik Ramesh, Gabriel Sampaio Da Silva Diogo, Hamza Sheikh, Jonathan K.Y. Tang


Researching augmented reality indoor museum navigation with the A* path-finding algorithm. Developed for Android devices.

eu28 Global & European Union Trade Data Visualisation
Jonathan K.Y. Tang, Tristan Thomson

[website]   [github]

Visualising global trade data from Eurostat on imports and exports of goods and services within the EU28 member states, along with other key international trade countries.

5as 5-a-side Football Competition Timetable Builder


Optimisation software that constructs the fixtures timetable for the UCS Community Action 5-a-side Football Competition.


My longest ongoing project of collating great places to visit.

dslop London


Great places to visit in London that I started compiling from 2013, starting off as a note on my phone.